Friday, August 6, 2010

A stroll in the park

This is my dad the same day he couldn't get to his chair. Out and about painting the town with MARGARET. Just bubbling with energy throwing the ball for the dog while MARGARET takes his picture. You can almost hear him yelling Weeeeee!


Twintensity said...

Oh good. For a second there I thought Margaret was the dog! BTW, don't feel too too bad about Grandma can't do a thing without her Jenny, either. And Jenny's not related. We PAY Jenny - well, but never enough - to be Grandma's Jenny. My guess is Margaret LIVES for LIZ to come over and relieve her a bit. And envies Liz that Atlantic Ocean sometimes. Take care - of you and of Hermon!

Linz said...

I love your dad :)