Monday, January 5, 2009

I feel old. Did you know that only people over the age of, well, old, say things like, My God, where has the time gone.
If you REALLY want to feel old, you could, for example, spend the Christmas holidays with a house full of teenagers. That's what I did. I have aged about seventeen years in the last two weeks. And I have called my mother countless times to apologize for anything I may have done as a teen to make her pull her hair out.
I was doing fine with my three children. Alex is 15, Patrick is 13, and Julia is 11. Living in Germany gives us a bit of shelter from Americanism. Americanism is that off-kilter way of life that becomes "normal" to "y'all" over there across the ocean.
Americanism #1 - Americans are LOUD.
The second day with two extra teens in the house was going well. We decided to go to the store about 7:30 at night. The two girls - ages 17 and 18 were the first to enter the small local grocery store. Sarah walked on ahead, while Ali lingered at the four selections of cereal offered.
Suddenly, Ali shouts to Sarah - (who is All The Way Down At The Other End Of The Store)
"Yo! Sarah! Grab some Bananas, Dude!"
I wanted to crawl behind the toilet paper display, but thought it would attract even MORE attention to us. What happened next was... good? We were approached by a man in cowboy boots, wearing a belt with a tape measure hanging off of it. "Howdy folks." He said. (Loudly)
This turned into a little American Pow-Wow right there in the Yogurt isle of Lidl at closing time. Who would have thought. Tex's wife and I have the same first name, and we ended up exchanging phone numbers. The world certainly is small.

There is still so much to tell about the holidays. But, Like Dude, I like have to get some sleep.

So, until next time!

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